Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Competitive Advantages~S.W.O.T~Value Chain

Assalamualaikum to all readers...(like I have lot of readers here..perasan..kekeke)
If u are notice, i'm writing in broken-english sentences. so, what post is it?? strategic management sharing moment tyme!!~~hehe

Ok, before this I have share on how to evaluate the external environment of a company, but now we gonna take a mini tour into the company's internal(resources, capabilities and competitiveness) environment chapter.In this post, I'm gonna touch on 3 main points which are:
1) the resources and capabilities of a company
2) SWOT analysis
3) the value chain system
ok, let's start our mini tour~~

Based on the picture, we can say that resources is the assets that is owned and controlled by the company. & what is capabilities? It is how the company utilizing or handling the resources that they have to perform their activities.The picture show us the interrelation between the resources, capabilities and how this two factors create competitive advantages.If the company have a strong resources but no competitive capabilities or if they have a strong resources but no skillful capabilities the company cannot create competitive advantages over other company. Bear in mind, Resource strengths and competitive capabilities are competitive assets ! We can use VRIN test to check the sustainable competitive advantage of a resources which are V= valuable, R=rare, I=inimitable, N=non-substitutable.

S.W.O.T analysis is widely used by company out there to assess their company competitiveness in the market. Strength of a company is the skills and services that a company offer, that others don't, while Weaknessess is the skills and services that others offer but the company don't. Opportunities refer to the chances that the market offers, and that the company can use for the benefits for the company, while Threats are the possible market dangers that can threaten the balance and goals of a company.

The value chain of a company shows the linked set of activities, functions, and business processes that it performs in the course of designing, producing, marketing, delivering, and supporting its product / service and thereby creating value for its customers. basically, value chain is consist of 2 types of xtvts which are primary xtvts (where most of the value for customers is created) and secondary xtvts (undertaken xtvts to assist the individuals or groups engaged in the primary xtvts).

E.g on Agriculture Industry value chain

I think that's all for this entry..till then guys..wassalam~

~may ALLAH bless us all today and always~

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