Sunday, 22 September 2013

tallest tower~

salam u'alls...

In the last entry i have mentioned that i'm gonna update about what I learn in STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT class in this blog right... So lets get started with the first entry about strategic management...but actually it is not so updated laa cause i'm gonna tell about the first strategic management class on 10/9....

When Dr Ummi first came to the class, she said we're not gonna have a lecture yet...YEAAYY....mood: happy times...huhuhu..but still she asked us to do some xtvt...we're asked to build the tallest tower by NEWSPAPER...seriously...can we really do it?? then we form our own group...during that time, i'm not stop thinking how to build the tallest tower..confuse..confuse...

So, by the given time we are struggling+confusing+trying using all the idea that came across our mind to build that tower...FYI, we're not engineering student, of course laa the tower not so pretty-like the one the engineer made...

After the time finish, the tower of each group have to be bring in front of the class to be u wanna see the tower??but, don't laugh ok...bear in mind u'olls we are not engineer student...hehe

that is my group!!guess where am i??huhu

creative isn't it??? bcar geng is the best laa..altough the given time is limited, still we all can build the tower...congrats, moral of the story??

first~~jus believe urself can do it...doesn't matter how hard any challenge could be, trust urself and pull off the best effort u can to do it..
second~~ never say CANNOT....say MALAYSIA BOLEH!!huhuhu

till then..wassalam
may ALLAH bless us~~

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