Monday, 30 September 2013

external environment of organization~~

Salam to readers..

What i gonna do (write laa) today is to review on my strategic management's 3rd lecture..On the 3rd lecture we are learn how to evaluate a company's external environment. TOday is a quite lenghty post, so u guys bear with it k...


The evaluation on the external environment should be done long before the organization decide on the vision of the u guysz still remember my last entry on vision & mission of organization?sure u don't remember larh...better u alls check my last entry and READ AGAIN!!..hehe

So,,,how??of course la we gonna use some tools to help us evaluate the environment, right?. Dr Ummi is focusing on 2 major model that is widely used by any industry in evaluating the external environment. Ok, first~jeng jeng jeng..THE PORTER'S 5 FORCES MODEL

So, how do we evaluate using this model. There are 3 steps that we gonna do. 1st, identifies first!! Identify all the different parties and specific factors that bring the competitive pressure in each factor. 2nd, u must evaluate how strong the competitive pressure and classified them as strong, moderate or weak level. 3rd, u determine whether the collective strength of all five competitive forces is conducive to earning attractive profits in the industry. If ur analysis show more benefits to ur company, then u may proceed with ur proposed business.

Ok,lets move on to the second tool which is...THE PESTEL ANALYSIS.

The first time I heard about this acronym, I'm sort of confused+wondering 4 a moment..I'm wondering, am I got into a farming or something like gardening class..PEST??reallyyy???oh my english.....ok stop now cik tkah!!kekeke..What is PESTEL actually ha?Below, I give some examples on each factors so that u guys paham~

P@Political Forces=Political factors include elements such as tax policies, changes in trade restrictions and tariffs and the stability of the governments

E@Economic Forces=Economical factors include elements such as interest rates, inflation rates, GDP, unemployment rates, level of disposable income, and the general growth or decline of the economy

S@Social Forces=social factors include trends in demographics such as population size, age, and ethnic mix, as well as cultural trends such as attitudes towards obesity and consumer activism.

T@Technological Forces=Technological factors include for example changes in the rate of new product development, increases in automation, and advancements in service delivery industry

E@Environmental Forces=natural disaster and weather patterns..(u guys see x that the example is getting shorter? thats mean,,cik tkah is getting lazier..kekeke) ok and the LAST factor is.....

L@legal forces=include laws involving issues such as employment , health and safety, discrimination and antitrust...

At entry finished.......ehhh..wait, below is the example of the Porter's Five Forces Model analysis on company Nike that i got from Sheikh Google...check it out..

ok..till then..wassalam~
May ALLAH bless us~~

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

2nd week lecture!!~

Salam allsz..

Today i wanna story mory about the 2nd clss of my new favourite subject...of course laa Strategic Management...hehehe

Actually this story is also an outdated one because the class in on last Tuesday, but only today that I have the idea+ mood to post about what I learnt in the sadis meyh..sob..sob..sob...(T_T)..

Last week is the introduction to strategic management, so basically the first 2 chapter covered was about the nature of strategic management and also the nature of vision and mission of an organization...but, to make sure this entry is not a long one, (I'm sure u guysz pown don't want a long one right...kekeke) I will juz summarize on this 2 topics together..okeyh???

Strategic management is basically is a process where the strategist formulate, implement and evaluate any decisions that enables the organization to achieve their objectives. There are 3 key stages in strategic management which are 1st is STRATEGY FORMULATION. 2nd is STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION and last stage is STRATEGY EVALUATION.

ok..rather than read my broken english writing, better u alls take a look at the pic below.. I'm sure u guys will get some ideas on strategic mngemnt juz from that picture...Like u know, "Picture's worth a thousand words" right?? kekeke...ok stop ur craziness for a while cik tkah! kekekeke

During the strategy formulation stages, we have to develop the vision and mission of the organization. The vision and mission is the most important thing that we have to set up before other things cause if we unsure of what we wanna do, how to achieve the vision, what strategy should we do, it would effect the entire process of strategic management. So guys, the vision must clearly state what we wanna be and achieve for the long run. While a mission statement should include all aspects that the organization wanna tackle such as customer, product and services, the markets, the technologies used, the philosophy of the organization, their public image and so on in order to achieve the vision

During the strategy implementation stage, the organization will executes all the strategy  and action plans that they have formulated before..In this time, the organization should make analysis on all strategy that they have executes whether the strategy works or not.. Only then,the strategy evaluation stages take places and the organization can decide whether they should stick to the old strategy or maybe they can switch to a better plan and strategy.

Basically, that is my understandings from the first lecture...But one thing is, the strategic management is not only applied to a business operations or organization only...LIFE also needs to strategy and planning..there is no skip route to success...everything needs to planning..

i do think u think so??

So, its never to late to change...If before this we never have a vision or goal in our life, START now guys.... we are in a learning process called, never give up and always be strongggg k....ok, till then...wassalam


may ALLAH bless us~~

Sunday, 22 September 2013

tallest tower~

salam u'alls...

In the last entry i have mentioned that i'm gonna update about what I learn in STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT class in this blog right... So lets get started with the first entry about strategic management...but actually it is not so updated laa cause i'm gonna tell about the first strategic management class on 10/9....

When Dr Ummi first came to the class, she said we're not gonna have a lecture yet...YEAAYY....mood: happy times...huhuhu..but still she asked us to do some xtvt...we're asked to build the tallest tower by NEWSPAPER...seriously...can we really do it?? then we form our own group...during that time, i'm not stop thinking how to build the tallest tower..confuse..confuse...

So, by the given time we are struggling+confusing+trying using all the idea that came across our mind to build that tower...FYI, we're not engineering student, of course laa the tower not so pretty-like the one the engineer made...

After the time finish, the tower of each group have to be bring in front of the class to be u wanna see the tower??but, don't laugh ok...bear in mind u'olls we are not engineer student...hehe

that is my group!!guess where am i??huhu

creative isn't it??? bcar geng is the best laa..altough the given time is limited, still we all can build the tower...congrats, moral of the story??

first~~jus believe urself can do it...doesn't matter how hard any challenge could be, trust urself and pull off the best effort u can to do it..
second~~ never say CANNOT....say MALAYSIA BOLEH!!huhuhu

till then..wassalam
may ALLAH bless us~~

Friday, 20 September 2013

~baby step to blogging world~


Yea...finallyyy...i got my own blog...yeahhh!!!congratsz cik tkah yer...dah lme da sbenrnye ak nk wat blog nie...tpi, tiap2 kali ak nk wat, ade je yg mghalang ak...ade je alsan..ade je cubaan,dugaan...hehe..

mlasla..(ko memg mlas je memanjang kan cik tkah!!)
nntila...(nnti,nnti...asyk nnti je..xpenh ckp skrg..)
xde intenetla..(yg nie memg btol...tpi sblm aku bli bbla..skrg da ade bb..yeayy)

2 jela alasn yg slaloo bermain2 dkt bibir ngan hati ak nie...rasenye klu xde undang2 kt malaysia yg mewajibkan ak buat blog nie, memg xkn ak buatla smpai bile2....dah tu, mcam mane ko bleyh 'ter'rajin nk but blog nie cik tkah oii??

sebenrnye sume nie credit to DR UMMI SALWA AHMAD BUSTAMAM aka lecturer strategic management ak....Dr ckp, this sem all of you have to create a blog or vlog and post everything that u learn in this subject in ur blog/vlog...ak pkir pny pkir pny pkir, ak pown decide nk bwat blogla...klu nk suh ak buat vlog memg tak la kn...segan doe nk buat vlog..ak nie bukn spesies2 brani macm anwarhadi,matluthfi,maria elena n juga vlogger2 lain nk bckp dpn camera nie...kang ade plak yg nk tmunth tgok ak bckap dpn camera...hahaha..lgipown,i'm not the person that can express well infront of the ak menulis jela...kan,kan,kan...

ape2 pown,thank u@kamsahamnida@syukran@terima kasih yer DR. UMMI...klu tnpa dr, memg x terlahirla blog ak nie......n by the way, i'm still a kate mcm baby la dlm dunie blogging kejadahnye...da tue bangke dah ngko 2 cik tkah oii...hihihih..
so, klu ade slah,ke ape ke...tolong tunjukkn ea..k lah, cm da bnyk da aku merepek+mengarut+membebel 4 today...till then guys...wassalam

may ALLAH bless us~~