الله الرحمن الرحيم
Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera to
readers. Without I realize, it’s getting nearer towards the end of my study. I just
need to do another 2 entry regarding this S.M subject. For this entry, I’m
gonna write about corporate
culture and leadership:keys to good strategy execution.
What is corporate culture actually??
Corporate culture refers to the shared values, ingrained attitudes, core
beliefs and company traditions that determine norms of behaviour, accepted work
practice, and styles of operating. Company cultures vary widely in strength and
influence. Some cultures are strong n have a big impact on a company’s
practices and behavioural norms while other maybe weak and comparatively little
influence on company operations.
There are healthy and unhealthy cultures
that give effects on the strategy execution. Strong and healthy cultures will
aid to a good strategy execution which are high-performance
cultures and adaptive cultures. While the unhealthy
cultures will impede a good strategy execution which are change-resistant cultures, politicized cultures, insular, inwardly focused cultures, unethical and greed-driven cultures, substantive cultures and symbolic culture.
Is that picture say the right thing? I realize that
leaders are responsible for creating and driving the culture, but every
employee builds culture every day. From the CEO to the receptionist, everyone
affects the “20 square feet” around them through their attitude and behavior.
The way every employee manages their 20 square feet of the culture and strategy
is largely what determines the success of an organization. Building a culture
that supports the strategy and drives performance is a journey that the company
has to go through, not just an event. It really really really requires
commitment & discipline over time and across the organization.
So, if before u
enter any organization to work, its better if u check the background of the
company first, how is their culture, how the workers attitude, is the company
project good or bad culture their surroundings.. after u have done all that,
than u make ur choice and may ur choice is the right one for u k..i think that’s
all for this entry. Wassalam~